Smart Job1Thursday, May 26th

Smart Job Forum
Promoted and Organized by Genoa Municipality and Mixura
Sala del Capitano, 9:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m.

                               The Conference is open to all participants. The Conference language will be Italian.

Smart working and new working models for smart cities

Promoted by Genoa Municipality with technical support of Mixura

9:00 am          Welcome
Isabella Lanzone, Councillor for Personnel, City of Genoa
Moderator: Daniela Congiu, President, Mixura

What stage is Law on the Agile Work?
Maurizio Del Conte, Legal Advisor, Palazzo Chigi

Scene of Smart Working in Italy
Fiorella Crespi, Observatory Director Smart Working, School of Management, Politecnico Milano

Days of Agile Jobs 2014-2015-2016
Grazia Risicato, Responsible for Life Service Quality, Municipality of Milan

The person in the center: the experience of our 10 years of working smart
Claudia Bonatti, Director of Division Office, Microsoft Italy

The impact of smart working in organizations: “Everything is smart, also the work”
Terry Torre, Department of Economics, University of Genoa

Smart working, Smart Companies: Data network testing of Bergamo companies
Stefania Cazzarolli Co-founder, Variazioni

Networking for smart job in Genoa Smart City Association
Isabella Cristina, Co-founder, Mixura

Conclusions: Emanuele Piazza, Councillor for Economic Development, City of Genoa

11:00 am       Closing session