
HARMONISE – Final Event: “THE RESILIENT CITY Our future-proof urban infrastructure”
Sala delle Compere  – Tuesday, May 24, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The Conference is open to all participants . It will be expected the simultaneous translation ITA-ENG-ITA.

This session explores the evolution of the resilience concept, including its theoretical underpinnings and current ‘state of the art’ in terms of its application within an urban context. In addition, key approaches to enhancing urban resilience will be discussed, along with the typical implications of adopting such approaches. The session also seeks to highlight the various challenges and trends emerging the resilience field and demonstrates where gaps in the current state of the art lie.
Successively the first part the conference will presents research findings and outputs from the EU Seventh Framework funded project, HARMONISE ‘A Holistic Approach to Resilience and Systematic Actions to Make Large Scale Urban Built Infrastructure Secure’. As part of this, the project’s online decision support Platform will be showcased, along with the HARMONISE toolkit, both developed to aid built environment professionals in enhancing the resilience of large scale urban development projects.
The third part seeks to explore the policy landscape, governance structures and behaviours which may enable or inhibit resilience. In particular, discussion will focus on facilitation of cross agency, cross sector and cross discipline collaboration – in terms of how this can be achieved and what challenges urban decision makers face in doing so.
Contributions within this session will also examine the preparation of city resilience strategies or explicit resilience policies for cities.

In conclusion there will be a focus on differing understandings of the resilience concept across nations – and how resilience approaches have been implemented explicitly and otherwise to date. Presentations within this session will focus on existing and emerging resilience issues ‘on the ground’ (in relation to large scale infrastructure projects) in several European cities, highlighting how such issues are currently addressed. This session will draw on the discussions and work contributed over the course of the day. Following a brief presentation from each speaker, conversation will be opened up to the floor.


  • Urban Resilience – The New Wave
  • Towards Holistic Decision Making for Resilience – Introducing HARMONISE
  • Governing for Resilience – Implementation Challenges
  • Urban Resilience in Practice – International Perspectives

Conference Programme

8:30 – 9 a.m.         Registration

9 – 9:45 a.m.         Welcome and Keynote Speech

  • Giovanni Pettorino*, Commissioner, Port Authority of Genoa
  • William Hynes, Director, Future Analytics Consulting
  • Marco Doria*, Mayor, City of Genoa
  • Giovanni Crivello, Councillor for Public Works and Maintenance, City of Genoa

 9:45 -11 a.m.        Session 1 – Urban Resilience – The New Wave

  • Introduced and chaired by University of Warwick and Finmeccanica
  • Caterina Sarfatti, C40 Cities
  • Mauro Oliveri, ARUP Italy
  • Jon Coaffee, University of Warwick
  • Piero Pelizzaro, Resilience Specialist & Co-Founder, CLIMALIA
  • Q&A

11 -11:30 a.m.      Break

11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.     Session 2 – Towards Holistic Decision Making – A Guide to the HARMONISE Approach

  • Chaired by Future Analytics Consulting
  • William Hynes, Future Analytics Consulting
  • Mervi Murtonen, VTT / Marco Ghisi, Finmeccanica
  • Christian Perez, Tecnalia
  • City Focus: Haizea Barandika (Bilbao Council); Stefania Manca (Genoa Council)
  • Q&A

1 – 2 p.m.        Lunch

2 – 3 p.m.        Session 3 – Governing for Resilience – Implementation challenges

Chaired by Ulster University

  • Sèbastien Maire, Chief Resilience Officer, Paris
  • Paolo Nesi, University of Florence,
  • Javier Larraneta, President of the Spanish technological platform of industrial safety
  • Alessandro Coppola, Chief Resilience Officer, City of Rome
  • Alexander Fekete, Cologne University of Applied Sciences
  • Q&A

 3:30- 3:45 p.m.      Break

3:45 – 5:15 pm        Session 4 – Panel discussion: Resilience in Practice – International Lessons

  • Chaired by Future Analytics Consulting
  • Paolo Castiglieri, Genoa Council
  • Haizea Barandika, Bilbao Council
  • Teija Mankkinen, The Finnish National Rescue Association
  • Kathy Oldham, Manchester City Council
  • Q&A

5 p.m Closing Conference
