Green Energy1Smart Building1Wednesday, May 25th

Energy & Smart Building
Sessions & Events
In collaboration with Genova Smart City Association, University of Genoa and Municipality of Genoa
Sala delle Compere & Sala del Capitano, 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

The Conference is open to all participants. It will be expected the simultaneous translation ITA – ENG – ITA.


9:00 a.m. Registrations

First session

Policies and programs for the development of the energy in the future. Will it be clean, efficient and sustainable?
In collaboration with Genova Smart City Association and the University of Genoa

Sala delle Compere, 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Chairman: Paola Girdinio, President of the Scientific Committee, Genoa Smart City Association

Title to be defined
Edoardo Rixi, Councillor for Economic Development, Industry, Commerce, Crafts, Research and Technological Innovation, Energy, Ports and Logistics, Liguria Region

New Energy Policies in the transition towards the Energy Union
Marcello Capra, SET European Plan Delegate, Ministry of Economic

The international research for energy clean, efficient and sustainable: the user role
Giovanna Sissa, Senior Research Fellow – DITEN, University of Genoa

Title to be defined
Paolo Gemma, Vice-Chairman, ITU

Second Session

The fourth industrial revolution: what will be the new energy paradigm?
In collaboration with Genova Smart City Association and the University of Genoa

Sala delle Compere, 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 a.m.

Panel Discussion – International leader groups talking

Chairman: Emanuele Piazza, Councillor for Economic Development and the Smart City, Municipality of Genoa

Speeches by:
Giovanni Battista Ferrari, Senior Vice President & Country Marketing and Sales Manager, ABB Power Systems Division
Massimiliano Bianco, CEO, IREN
Paolo Gemma, Senior Specialist Energy & Infrastructure WE Marketing, Huawei
Heider Castro, Country Division Lead Power Generation Services, Siemens Italia
Agostino Calcagno, Director Energy Management & Trading, Duferco
Carlo Napoli, Head of Open Innovation Culture and Project Portfolio, ENEL
Pietro Tittoni, Managing Director, Erg Power Generation
Claudio Ravera, Ansaldo Energia

12:30 a.m. Closing Conference

12.30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. reserved Lunch

*To be confirmed


Third Session
Evolutionary scenarios and technologies for smart city
Sala delle Compere, 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
The conference is open to all participants. The conference language will be Italian.

Chairman: Paolo Castiglieri, General Secretary, Genoa Smart City Association

Digital solutions from the lighting infrastructure: turning Data into Knowledge
Stefano Chiavegati, CMO for Europe & Middle East, GE – Current

Urban platforms and technological innovation. How to involve local economy in development of smart communities.
Christian Mastrodonato, Chief Technologist, Konica Minolta Laboratories Europe/ UK Area Manager, Business Club LiguriaIN

Fourth Session
Ongoing european projects in Genova and Savona
In collaboration with Municipality of Genoa

Sala delle Compere, 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

The conference is open to all participants. It will be expected the simultaneous translation ITA-ENG-ITA.

Chairman: Paolo Castiglieri, General Secretary, Genoa Smart City Association

Prospects and evolutions related to the interoperability of Smart Networks.
Michela Robba, Researcher – DIBRIS, University of Genoa

Speeches by the european project representatives:
Alessandra Risso, Associazione Genova Smart City

Ruben Garcia Pajares, Project Coordinator

Katrina Folland, Project Coordinator

Francesco Edoardo Misso, Expert Consultant, TBridge