2017 Edition
Monday 20th november 2017
BUSINESS MODELS & SOLUTIONS for the development of the smart city
Roberto Gatti, Chief Executive Officer, Orefici Finance
Ruggero Recchioni, Head of Industry Innovation, Intesa Sanpaolo
Edoardo Croci, Coordinatore osservatorio green economy IEFE, Università Bocconi di Milano e Direttore Scientifico della rivista Smart City & MobilityLab
Livio Cassoli, Responsabile Gestione e Sviluppo FIA, CDP Investimenti SGR
Giuseppe Sorgente, Architetto esperto in bioedilizia e Coordinatore del progetto EnerSHIFT, Regione Liguria – Programmi Urbani Complessi ed Edilizia
Roberto Passalacqua, Vice Presidente – Region Italy Mass Transit & Greece – Railway & Mass Transit BU, Ansaldo STS
Tuesday 21st november 2017
Enterprise 4.0 – “From Industry 4.0 to Enterprise 4.0: Government policies, technology scenarios and best practices”
Lorenzo Basso, Deputato, Camera dei Deputati
Maurizio Caviglia, Segretario Generale, Camera di Commercio di Genova
Annamaria Di Ruscio, CEO, NetConsulting Cube
Fulvio Puzone, Technology Transfer Directorate, IIT
Michael Lake, President & CEO, Leading Cities
Maria Francesca Silva, Responsabile asset & strategic development, GHT
Paolo Bricola, Head of Product Development Electronic Division
Francesco Cauvin, CEO, SEDAPTA (Le tecnologie sedApta per l’Industria
4.0: la gestione “SMART” di persone, processi e tecnologie)
Antonella Trombetta, V.P. Portfolio, Business Development & Innovation –
Railway & Mass Transit BU, Ansaldo STS (La digitalizzazione e l’evoluzione
del sistema ferroviario)
Mario Pilotto, Vice President Business Area Enterprise Information Systems –
Security & Information System Division, Leonardo (La Vision di Leonardo sul
tema Impresa 4.0: La Soluzione Secure Connected Factory)
Leonardo Ambrosi, Technology Manager for Digital Solutions, ABB Power
Generation & Water
Enterprise 4.0 – “From digital development to new frontiers of research and to the strategies of internationalisation of the enterprise. The new role of cities in the global context.”
GREEN SOLUTIONS for urban regeneration – Workshop “URBAN AGENDA FOR THE EU – Climate Adaption Partnership””
Wednesday 22nd november 2017
URBAN PLATFORM – Innovation for the transformation of the city
Chris L. Greer, Director Cyber Physical Systems and Smart Grid Program
Office – Engineering Laboratory, NIST National Institute of Standards and
Lanfranco Marasso, Smart City Program Director, Engineering
Mauro Annunziato, Direttore Divisione “Smart Energy” Dipartimento
Tecnologie Energetiche, ENEA
Diego Calandrino, Energy Manager, Comune di Genova
Luigina Renzi, Dirigente servizio sviluppo economico e sistemi informativi,
Città Metropolitana di Genova
Enrico Mantero, Service Manager del Business Power Generation & Water,
ABB in Sud Europa
Elisabetta Canavesio, Responsabile dell’Area Operativa Nord Ovest del
Progetto del Contatore Elettronico di Seconda Generazione, e-distribuzione
Guido Garrone, Direttore Network & Operations Cluster A e B, Open Fiber
ENTERPRISE 4.0 – Workshop ““Digital Agenda & Cyber Security””
Frank Van Steenwinkel, Connecting European Cities, FIDECITY Ecosystems
and Cities
Alessandro Lionetti, Key Account Manager, Safe Network (Soluzioni innovative per le Smart Cities: dalla Cyber Security alla E-Mobility)
Paolo Di Gioia, Resp. Ufficio Sistemi e Sicurezza, Direzione Sistemi Informativi, Comune di Genova
GREEN SOLUTIONS for the urban regeneration – Workshop “Claircity & Climaera – Alcotra Projects”
Thursday 23rd november 2017
GREEN SOLUTIONS for the urban regeneration – Thematic session “The development of a European network for the charging of electric traction vehicles“
GREEN SOLUTIONS for the urban regeneration – Thematic session:
Sustainable urban mobility plans and projects
European projects involving Genoa, Liguria Region and the territorial companies
Friday 24 november 2017
GREEN SOLUTIONS for the urban regeneration – Thematic session “Smart Building” & “Energy efficiency”
Renato Sanna, Head of Sales Energy & utilities – Security & Information System Division, Leonardo
Marco Ballicu, Institutional & Regulatory Affairs Specialist, Axpo Italia
Sergio Torre, Direttore Business Development, Duferco Energia
Maria Fabianelli, Direttore di Divisione, IRE Liguria
Stefano Massucco, Delegato del Rettore per il risparmio energetico di Ateneo – DITEN, Università degli Studi di Genova